Annual Report 2020/21
Over the last year the COVID-19 pandemic has, and is continuing to bring, new challenges to Healthwatch County Durham including working from home and finding new ways to reach people in our communities in the safest possible way moving forward.
Our annual report gives an insight into what we've been doing over the past year, and looks at some of the changes that have happened quickly in service delivery over the last 12 months. We are committed to ensuring the voice of the public is heard and that we keep you informed about health and social care across the county. Thank you for your continuing support this year, which helps us put people at the heart of health and social care services in County Durham.
Paraphrasing Sir Tom Moore ‘Next year will be a better year’ and we will endeavour to continue to remain the ‘people’s champion’ acting on your behalf to ensure service providers recognise the independent voice that we bring
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0800 304 7039