Young People's Attitudes to the COVID19 Vaccination Programme
In response to COVID-19, the NHS has launched one of the largest public vaccination programmes ever. To help local services and national policymakers understand how they can improve the vaccination programme, Healthwatch County Durham circulated and promoted a survey, developed by Healthwatch England in June 2021.
The survey questions aimed to help gauge young people’s attitudes to, and experience of, the vaccination programme.
- A high percentage of young people who completed the survey are very positive about vaccines in general and in particular about receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
- This positive view could be because of the positive adverts/messages promoted by the NHS nationally and locally or could be because people wish to protect friends and family, as 83.5% of those completing the survey said this was their main reason.
- Although 66.04% of young people said nothing would stop them from getting the vaccine, the distance to the location where the vaccine appointment takes place might stop 17.92% of young people and also the times available to have the vaccine (12.26%).
- Of those young people who said they would not want to be vaccinated, the top 3 reasons were they would want others to have it first (26.23%), were worried about the vaccine’s safety (24.59%) or they were concerned about the ingredients in it (22.95%).
- The majority of young people (58.65) said they would trust the Government or NHS website to give accurate information about the vaccine. The next trusted was Chief Scientific Officer/Chief Medical Officer/Senior NHS staff (40.60%) followed by an NHS website, GP practice, pharmacy, clinic or hospital (39.85%).
- Because all the survey responses we received were from white British or other white ethnicity we are unable to reach any conclusions about the attitudes or views of Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities to the vaccination programme
I mix with lots of people on public transport and at sixth form. I am the greatest risk of giving a member of my family Covid
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