Enter and View Report: Ward 7 (Treetops) University Hospital of North Durham

Our report looks at the findings from when our authorised representatives visited Ward 7 ('Treetops') at University Hospital North Durham.

Two of out the Authorised Representatives carried out 10 individual conversations with patients and staff, using a set of appreciative questions to give people the opportunity to describe good practice they had experienced or seen, and 2 surveys were completed prior to the visit.

A representative observed activity and spoke to people during our 3 hour visit, to collect their own independent impressions of the ward and its services, which they recorded during and after the visit.


  • One of the most conveyed messages from the patients/families on the day, was how happy they were with the staff and even gave examples of where, after talking to the staff, patients felt much better. The patients very much valued and appreciated the friendliness of the staff. Clearly patients felt that there is a dedication by the staff, to the work on the ward. Staff behaviours and culture is clearly to be celebrated and retained here
  • Many people suggested that there was “really good communication” on this ward. Parents talked about the importance of being informed and staff having time to talk to the children in order to answer questions. Having dedicated members of staff who are able to engage with the children and families about their care, is seen as very important. Maintaining this positive communication is valued here and seen to be what makes the ward such a good experience
  • We were told that there is a good, quality service provided here on the ward, so much so that nothing should be changed/improved. People said that the ward and its service should keep the children involved. Some suggestion was made that in fact, what made this service effective was that it was made to feel like being ‘at home’ and therefore gave patients confidence that they were being cared for in a family like way/environment. This was further reflected by the importance placed on respecting individual privacy, which users agreed was being upheld
  • There were lots of positive aspects observed with regard to the layout of the ward such as the good access, cleanliness and it being very tidy. Very good facilities highlighted, from well stocked toilets to toys/games to patients engaged. Notices, colour and textiles when looking at the layout with regard to being ‘child friendly’ were all effective. Users felt that there was plenty of staff and security procedures were good. This should be retained

Nothing to improve as they’ve made it as ‘like my home’ as possible


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